INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY FIELD   (IJIRMF)  is a Scholarly International Scientific Journal, UGC Approved Journal, Peer-Reviewed and fully Refereed Journal, Monthly Open Access Journal focusing on theories, researches, scientific methods and applications in all research areas.  IJIRMF is indexed in Google Scholar, ResearchBib, Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science ResearcherID, ESJI, ZDB, EZB, SCOPE Database, Index Copernicus, ASI, SJIF, SLI, ISIFI, ISSUU, ROAD  and in  UGC Approved List of Journals.

IJIRMF     Impact Factor :   9.47 Volume – 10; Year – 10  Issues are open…
ISSN:  2455-0620  
DOIs:10.2015/IJIRMF/    (Journal Pattern)
UGC Approved  Journal  Number :   47793    (CLICK to VIEW)
Index Copernicus (ICI) Journal Master list with IC Value : 86.87
115+  Regular Issues Published 50+  Conference Issues Published
25+  Special Issues Published
85+  ISBN Books Published

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Types of Research work invited :
Research Papers Experimental Result Survey Papers
Case Studies Review  Analysis Study 
Informative Article Comparative Study Working Projects
Dissertation Chapters Research Proposals Prototypes and Models
New Innovation & Idea Synopsis Monograph
IJIRMF  strengths and benefits:
  • IJIRMF is with High Impact Factor &  ISSN Approved.
  • Author Research Guidelines & 24 x 7 online/telephonic Customer Support.
  • Reliable, Easy and lowest cost – nominal processing charge publication house .
  • Highly Qualified Team & Members of International Editorial/Reviewer Board.
  • Full text of publication in the form of PDF format and Digital Object Identification DOIs.
  • Individual copy of “Certificate of Publication” to all Authors.
  • Conference/Seminar organization support in publication of Papers/Proceedings with ISSN.
