28, February 2025

A Study To Assess The Level Of Knowledge On Management And Prevention Of Needle Stick Injury Among II year . B.Sc.Nursing Students At Selected College In Coimbatore

Author(s): 1 R. Jaya, 2 Dr. Esther Rakel,

Authors Affiliations:

1 Nursing tutor,Ganga College of nursing affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical university, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

   2  Dean cum principal, Ganga College of nursing/Health sciences affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical university, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

DOIs:10.2015/IJIRMF/202502028     |     Paper ID: IJIRMF202502028

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Abstract:    Aim and objectives: To assess the knowledge on management and prevention of needle stick injury among selected II Year  BSc nursing students.

Methodology: Descriptive Research Design was adopted in order to assess the knowledge regarding specific procedure and safe techniques.

The dependent variable was individual knowledge of preventive methods, Independent valuable was management and prevention of needle stick injury.

The study was conducted for selected II Year  B.Sc nursing students at Ganga college of nursing  in Coimbatore. The sample size consisted of 60 students (who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria).

II year B.Sc.Nursing students were included in the study. All other Nursing batch students are excluded from the study, selected by a convenient sampling technique.

Result :This study is aimed  to assess the level of  knowledge on management of needle stick injury among selected II year, B.Sc nursing students and also to enhance knowledge on the methods of procedures, techniques, disposal uses of  PPE by teaching various safe procedure and methods.Among selected 60 BSc nursing II year students  30% of students were having moderate knowledge (51-74%), 20 % of students were having inadequate knowledge (≤50%),10% of students ware having adequate knowledge regarding management and prevention of  needle stick injury. Conclusion:The study was aimed to enhance their knowledge on management and prevention of needle stick injury, and also make them to gain  knowledge about procedures, techniques, method of needle disposal, color coding of Bio medical waste disposal, immediate management, Do’s and Dont’s, importance of personal productive equipment,This study has important implications, to prevent infectious disease, and to enhance the selected II Year B.Sc nursing students knowledge in management and prevention by using various techniques and  procedure and handling of needle and equipment's to   prevent the needle stick injury.

Prevention and management of needle injury, procedure, technique, methods of disposal.

R. Jaya, Dr. Esther Rakel,(2025); A Study To Assess The Level Of Knowledge On Management And Prevention Of Needle Stick Injury Among II year . B.Sc.Nursing Students At Selected College In Coimbatore,  International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, ISSN(O): 2455-0620, Vol-11, Issue-2, Pp.182-185.          Available on –   https://www.ijirmf.com/

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