All authors published their research papers in International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field (IJIRMF) are entitled for following rights and obligations : 

  1. Authors hold full copyright and self-archiving rights, they transfer the publishing rights to IJIRMF.
  2. We can decline to publish material where a pre-print or working paper has been previously mounted online.
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  8. We promote sharing of knowledge with due credit to the authors and researchers of the papers published with IJIRMF.


Time Limitations for submitted Paper/Article or Research work manuscripts provisions of storage and responsibility in IJIRMF:

  • As IJIRMF journal offers online website submission and Email submission of manuscripts / paper/ article or other research work files. If Author / Authors /Submitters do not complete the publication process by submitting copyright form, /conflict of interest form with processing charge proof copy within 60 days, it will be considered as auto removal or auto cancellation. Journal, Editors, Reviewers and Publisher are not responsible and liable for the submitted soft copy manuscript file and its contents or storage, Author / Authors /Submitters cannot claim to retain submitted paper/ article / research work / manuscript retain right or copyright reservation rights and cannot claim against Journal, Editors, Reviewers and Publisher in lawsuit.
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  • If Author / Authors / Submitters want to cancel or withdraw the publication of a paper/ article / research work / manuscript file from IJIRMF they need to follow withdrawal policy  and instructions  of Journal. :-
  • By requesting a withdrawal letter – application to the Editor – IJIRMF, after withdrawal or cancellation approved by the Editor/Journal side. All copyright agreement and publication terms, publication and certificate will be auto cancelled from IJIRMF. Journal, Editors, Reviewers and Publisher are not responsible and liable for that withdrawal/ cancelled/ deleted file, certificate file and its contents or storage.  Author / Authors /Submitters cannot claim to retain submitted paper/ article / research work / manuscript retain right or copyright reservation rights and cannot claim against Journal, Editors, Reviewers and Publisher in lawsuit.
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In only case of any authors submit paper/article as per guidelines online on website or by email, and by mistakenly paid prior processing /fee (APC) against our submission guidelines – policy,  and after if suppose his/her paper/article not processed/reviewed, then refund will be payable as 80% of paid amount. In case of  author pay dual charge (2 time charge/fee for the same accepted paper/article file) then also 80% of paid amount will be as a refund.


The Managing Editor / The Executive Managing Editor

International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field (IJIRMF)