INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY FIELD (IJIRMF)  ( ISSN: 2455-0620)      Index Copernicus (ICI) Journal Master list  IC Value : 86.87                      (  Impact Factor :  9.47 )                 ( Scientific Journal Impact Factor :  6.719 )   

A monthly Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed International research Journal

IJIRMF publishes original Research Papers/Articles, Reviews, Mini-Reviews, Case Studies, Synopsis, Research Project, Comparative Studies and Short Research Communications of all subjects/topics.

Website:    WWW.IJIRMF.COM                            Publication Language :   English.

UGC    Journal Number:  47793

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH CULTURE SOCIETY   (IJRCS)                 (ISSN: 2456-6683)                    ( UGC Jr.No : 64291 )           (  Impact Factor :  9.241 )       ( Scientific Journal Impact Factor : 5.901 )

A monthly Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed International research Journal

IJRCS  publishes original Research Papers/Articles, Reviews, Mini-Reviews, Case Studies, Synopsis, Research Project, Comparative Studies and Short Research Communications of all subjects/topics.

Website:    WWW.IJRCS.ORG                                Publication Language :   English.

UGC   Journal Number:   64291

Shikshan Sanshodhan : Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

( ISSN: 2581-6241)       ( Impact Factor :  7.384 )

A  Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Research Journal.        

Publication Languages:    Hindi, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Marathi, Punjabi, English and other National Languages.     (Multiple languages)

‘Shikshan Sanshodhan’ publishes original research papers, articles, reviews, mini-reviews, case studies, synopsis, research project and short research communications of all subjects of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Website URL:    https://shikshansanshodhan.researchculturesociety.org/

Journal of Science and Healthcare Exploration  (JSHE)         

( ISSN: 2581-8473)     ( Impact Factor : 5.273 )      Publication Language :   English.

A  Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed,  International Research Journal.

For all subjects of  Science and Healthcare Sciences     (Science, Agriculture, Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Physiotherapy,  Ayurveda, Healthcare Science)

Website URL:      https://jshe.researchculturesociety.org/

International Journal of Engineering and Designing Innovation      (IJEDI)                 ( ISSN: 2582-0788) 

A  Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Research Journal.    ( Impact Factor :  5.124 ) 

For all subjects of   Engineering, Technology and Designing.

Publication Language :   English.

Website URL:      https://jedi.researchculturesociety.org/


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