17, February 2025

Pan India Presence Of Rishi Agastya: Life, Sacred Sites, and Mythic Deeds

Author(s): Pragati Shree

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DOIs:10.2015/IJIRMF/202502004     |     Paper ID: IJIRMF202502004

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Rishi Agastya holds a pivotal place in Indian culture and spiritual history, with his influence spanning the entirety of the Indian subcontinent. Revered as one of the foremost sages in the Vedic and Puranic traditions, Agastya is credited with bridging the spiritual and cultural divide between North and South India. This paper delves into the pan – India presence of Rishi Agastya by exploring significant episodes of his life, his contributions to Indian spirituality, and the sites associated with his legacy. From the Himalayas to the southernmost regions of Tamil Nadu, his journeys symbolize the dissemination of Vedic knowledge and the unification of diverse traditions.

 A focal point of this study is the mythological narrative of how Rishi Agastya drank the ocean to aid the devas in their battle against the asuras, reflecting his divine intervention and unparalleled wisdom. The paper also examines key locations such as Augustmuni in Uttarakhand, Agastyarkoodam in Kerala, and other sacred sites tied to his legend, which underscore his geographical and cultural significance. By weaving together ancient texts, folklore, and historical references, this paper aims to illuminate the enduring legacy of Rishi Agastya, emphasizing his role in shaping India’s spiritual and cultural fabric.

Rishi Agastya, Vedic traditions, Spiritual unification, Cultural heritage, Agastyarkoodam, Augustmuni, Ocean myth, Devas and Asuras, Indian spirituality, Sacred sites.

Pragati Shree (2025); Pan India Presence Of Rishi Agastya: Life, Sacred Sites, and Mythic Deeds,  International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, ISSN(O): 2455-0620, Vol-11, Issue-2, Pp.18-23.          Available on –   https://www.ijirmf.com/

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