Publication Frequency: 

International Journal for Innovative research in Multidisciplinary Field (IJIRMF) is a monthly journal (12 Issue per Year) with a regular publication date as the last day of the month ( i.e 30th  or 31st ) from 2015.

Publication Policy:

International Journal for Innovative research in Multidisciplinary Field (IJIRMF)  publishes papers /articles that are judged and reviewed by the editorial team, types of articles include original research papers, articles, reviews, mini-reviews, short research communications, synopsis and Case studies. International Journal for Innovative research in Multidisciplinary Field aims at rapid publication of quality research results and reviews while maintaining a rigorous review process.

The main criteria for accepting a manuscript for publication in IJIRMF are originality, Quality,  innovative and as per journal aims and ethics. The author/ authors are solely responsible for submitted research work and the published title / content / theory / image / charts/tables/ or any other data presented in publication. The publisher or The Managing Editor or Editorial staff does not take any responsibility for any copyright claim or misuses or open access use or indexing or affiliation or approval claim from author/authors or any third party. 

The authors should note that there is no submission fee; however, there is a reasonable Article/Paper Processing Charge (APC/PPC) of each accepted Article/Paper to meet the cost of Website Management Charges, server and website update and maintenance, Manuscript handling, Review process, Typesetting, copy-editing, Language correction, tagging and indexing of articles, Printing, Electronic composition and production, hosting the final article on dedicated servers, electronic archiving, Office cum admin expenses and other recurring expenses.  

The Journal accepts nominal Publication and Handling Fee only from authors after their manuscripts have been accepted for Publication by the Managing Editor. The paper/article will be online as per instructions and time after receiving initial required documents from author(s) side. 

Authors, Contributors, Submitters can refer and acknowledge other policies, guidelines and instructions available on the journal website. 

The Managing Editor,

International Journal for Innovative research in Multidisciplinary Field (IJIRMF)