Author(s): Arti , Dr Razi Faraz
Authors Affiliations:
1PhD scholar, Govt. MLB Arts and Commerce College Gwalior Madhya Pradesh
2Assistant Professor and Head of the Department Psychology.
DOIs:10.2015/IJIRMF/202502032     |     Paper ID: IJIRMF202502032Adolescence is a critical developmental phase characterized by heightened risk-taking behaviors, influenced by both intrinsic personality traits and external social factors. This study examines the relationship between sensation seeking, peer influence, and risk-taking tendencies among adolescents. Using a quantitative, correlational research design, data were collected from high school and college students through standardized self-report measures, including the Sensation Seeking Scale, Peer Influence Questionnaire, and Risk-Taking Behavior Scale. Pearson correlation analysis revealed significant positive relationships between sensation seeking and risk-taking behavior, as well as between peer influence and risk-taking tendencies. Additionally, the interaction between sensation seeking and peer influence was found to amplify risk-taking behaviors. ANOVA results demonstrated significant differences in risk-taking behaviors across demographic groups, emphasizing the role of contextual factors. While intervention programs targeting these influences showed limited effectiveness, the findings suggest that a more tailored, multifaceted approach may be necessary. These insights highlight the importance of addressing both individual psychological traits and social dynamics when designing intervention strategies to reduce risk-taking behaviors in adolescents.
Arti, Dr Razi Faraz(2025); RELATIONSHIP OF SENSATION SEEKING AND RESILIENCE AMONG ADOLESCENTS, International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, ISSN(O): 2455-0620, Vol-11, Issue-2, Pp.209-219. Available on –
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