Role of social support in the social well- being of elderly
Author(s): 1.Vijayalakshmi K K , 2.Dr G Rajeev
Authors Affiliations:
1 Research Scholar, MD College, Pazhanji, Thrissur, University of Calicut
2 Associate Professor (Retd.) MD College, Pazhanji, Thrissur, University of Calicut
DOIs:10.2015/IJIRMF/202502034     |     Paper ID: IJIRMF202502034Population ageing is the most widely debated global issues of the modern era. Ageing is the process of becoming older. The effects of ageing are applicable to both developed and developing nation. Old age is considered as a curse because this time is accompanied with deterioration of all physical and psychological factors. Isolation from society, disintegration of social support system, lack of economic resources worsens the condition of elderly. If the society provided a space of respect to the elderly, they would serve as the sole authorities, repositories and transmitters of wisdom and knowledge. Social support plays a key role in the overall wellbeing of elderly individuals, contributing significantly to their physical, emotional, and mental health. Social support can take various forms, including emotional, instrumental, informational, and companionship support, each of which helps to address specific aspects of an elderly person’s needs. Social support networks can enhance physical, emotional, and psychological health, improve coping mechanisms, and contribute to a higher quality of life. With the increasing number of elderly individuals globally, it is important for societies, families, and communities to invest in fostering strong social support systems that can help the elderly age in a healthy, dignified, and fulfilling manner. Social support not only improves the wellbeing of the elderly but also strengthens the social fabric of communities by promoting intergenerational solidarity and mutual care. This paper examines the mediating role of social support in the wellbeing of elderly individuals. With the addition of social support with family bonding enhances the wellbeing of elderly. Economic condition influences social wellbeing indirectly through its effects on social support. Better health condition with social support improves the wellbeing of elderly individuals. Social support plays an important role in the life of elderly individuals as it enhances the physical mental and overall quality of life of elderly people.
Vijayalakshmi K K , Dr G Rajeev(2025); Role of social support in the social well- being of elderly, International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, ISSN(O): 2455-0620, Vol-11, Issue-2, Pp.225-232. Available on –
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