Volume: 1 | Issue: 1 & 2 | Published in : Aug & Sept – 2015

IJIRMF201508001 Millennium Development Goals and Re-examine the Economic Development with Special Reference to Gujarat – Dr. S. R. Bhaiya & Dr. B D Parmar 1-11
IJIRMF201508002 Teaching English Language by Using Modern Teaching Aids to Upper Primary Level Students.-  Foram Patel, Nirali Mahichchha 12-18
IJIRMF201508003 Understanding Soft skills – Life Skills Development through syllabus in University Education – C.M.PATEL 19-24
IJIRMF201508004 Impact of reward and recognition on employee’s performance –    Vikas Patel & Hitesh shah 25-34
IJIRMF201508005 Imparting science knowledge to students by GUJCOST: A Review  –  Dinesh Prajapati &  Urvi Patel 35-39
IJIRMF201509001 CSR : AS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT  IMPLEMENT ROLE  – Dr.Vidushee Ameta & Mr. Amrit Lal Jinger 1-7
IJIRMF201509002 Effectiveness of health and safety measures at Apollo Tyre ltd: an Analysis – Vikas Patel & Pinkal Shah 8-18
IJIRMF201509003 Made in China V/s The Calling for Investors Study of Make in India: A case study on Global Competition – Dr.Gaurav Khanna 19-23
IJIRMF201509004 A Comparative Study of Cryptographic Algorithms  –  Jitendra Singh Chauhan 24-27
